PROFIX supports new technology


At the international Spaceport America Cup festival and accompanying rocket and space technology competition, the gold medal in the most important category was won by a Polish team from Poznań, PUT ROCKET LAB, supported by the PROLINE brand. The cooperation between PROFIX and PUT ROCKET LAB, which began this year, resulted in PROLINE brand equipment being donated to a group of student-enthusiasts from the Poznań University of Technology in the form of tool and workshop cabinets with equipment, tool sets and tool trunks. With their help, the enthusiast team built the HEXA 4 rocket, which they demonstrated last Sunday in the desert in the state of New Mexico. The technical sophistication and flight of the young Poznanians' vehicle was judged the highest of all participants in the festival, awarding the team a gold medal. This is cause for sincere congratulations and a good omen for the technological achievements of the

PUT ROCKET LAB students.